Pocket Aquarium
Pocket Aquarium
Imagine creating the perfect aquarium in a game based on a 4x4 card grid. Each card shows different fish and features.
In this game, each fish has a special ability. On your turn, you can either flip a fish card to make the fish swim in the other direction and activate its ability, or you can use its ability directly to change the aquarium.
The "Feed the Fish" card allows you to perform a special action that you can use once per game. At the same time, Chips the cat slithers through your aquarium, where he both acts as an obstacle and measures time.
The aim of the game is to arrange all the parts of the aquarium correctly and collect enough points by bringing together fish of the same type. If you succeed, you win the game!
The game includes 18 cards and the rules are on the packaging. There is also a rule sheet with sample points that you can download for free.
- Spieleranzahl 1
- Sprache
- Spieldauer 15 minutes
- Publisher
- Designer